The City Tutors Web Audit

The purpose of this project was to assess the technical and communication effectiveness of the City Tutors website and provide actionable recommendations for its improvement in a subsequent redesign. Based on the findings, the audit provided insights into enhancing usability, user interaction, and accessibility.


Lead UX Researcher,

Product Manager


Product Manager,

UX Designer,

UX Researchers,

Stakeholders &

Security Expert


Figma, Figjam, Slack,

Mirro, Zoom,

Bubble Notetaker &

Google Suite

What I did

Team Management,

Produced Audit Report,

User Interviews,

User Research,

Usability Testing, and



Jan 2024 - Aug 2024



The City Tutors, a non-profit offering free tutoring to underserved communities, commissioned a web audit to improve the usability, accessibility, and security of their website. As Product Manager and UX Researcher, I led the team, in conducting comprehensive UX research, usability testing, SEO, and security analysis. Our goal was to gather insights on user experience, focusing on registration processes, site engagement, and information clarity for tutors, mentors, and tutees.

Research Objectives & Goals

The research aims to achieve the following goals:

  • Explore why users favor the messenger feature for registration.

  • Assess changes in bounce rates and drop-off rates, particularly on the landing page.

  • Measure the percentage of users successfully completing key tasks on the website.

  • Track the time users take to perform essential tasks on the website.

  • Evaluate how frequently users encounter issues while trying to complete critical tasks.

Project Context


The City Tutors empowers marginalized communities by providing essential educational support and career readiness through volunteer engagement. The program offers opportunities for volunteers to make a meaningful impact, with options for one-time activities or long-term commitments such as academic tutoring, career mentoring, and internships. Volunteers can easily sign up through the web platform, with no application or age restrictions for NYC residents affiliated with a learning institution. To enhance volunteer experiences, the program clarifies the distinctions between tutoring and mentoring on the website and provides clear guidance. Additionally, efforts are focused on improving conversion rates from interested individuals to active volunteers by offering comprehensive information and prompt responses to inquiries.

Project Objectives

The audit aimed to cover these areas in order to provide actionable insights:

  • Conduct UX research to understand user needs and behaviors.

  • Perform usability testing to identify functional issues.

  • Assess accessibility to ensure the site is usable for individuals with disabilities.

  • Analyze content to ensure it meets user needs and maintains engagement.

  • Review security measures to protect user data and prevent vulnerabilities.

Research & Analysis


The City Tutors team contacted the Stakeholder/Product Owner to recruit mentors, tutors, and students, which streamlined participant recruitment. Participants, aged 20 to 50, came from diverse backgrounds and had relevant knowledge to enhance The City Tutors platform.

To ensure unbiased insights, a control group of non-affiliated participants (family and friends of the research team) was included. They were recruited via a Calendly link, and interviews were conducted using the City Tutor Zoom account for consistency and transparency.

In total, we interviewed 16 individuals who were divided into four categories:

  • Students: 4

  • Mentors: 4

  • Tutors: 4

  • Control Group: 4


To conduct the web audit for The City Tutors platform, the following methodologies were employed:

User Research

User feedback and pain points were gathered through moderated remote interviews conducted via Zoom.

Usability Testing

Remote usability testing was conducted via Zoom, with sessions recorded and notes taken using Bubbles Notetaker.

Competitive Analysis

Analyzed competitor platforms to identify opportunities for improvement.

SEO Testing

Google Analytics, TapNetwork, and Lighthouse were reviewed to analyze user behavior and website performance.

Accessibility Testing

The WAVE Accessibility Evaluation Tool was used to assess compliance with WCAG 2.2.

Security Testing

Manual security testing was performed using Burp Suite, Nessus, Shodan, and Google to assess vulnerabilities, including cross-site scripting (XSS).

Data Analysis & Synthesis

We used the following techniques to synthesize data:

  • Competitive Analysis

  • Affinity Mapping

  • Usability Testing Grid

  • User Personas Creation

  • Low-fi


The recent audits of The City Tutors website have identified critical issues in usability, UX, accessibility, SEO, and security. These findings, detailed below, highlight significant challenges in navigation, design, and technical performance, as well as areas for improvement in accessibility and security measures.

Competitive Analysis

First, we conducted competitive analysis to evaluate services, design, and user experience, while analyzing competitors like Hope for NY, New York Cares, IVY Tutors Network, City Tutor DC, and Boost (Tutors & Mentors).


User Interface & Experience

Community Engagement


Visual Design

City Tutors

Needs clearer role distinctions, easier signups,

and an intuitive search

Strong community involvement and volunteer reliance

Difficult to find signups for mentoring/tutoring

Needs more user-friendly and visually appealing updates


Competitors use prominent calls to action, intuitive navigation,

and engaging content

Strong volunteer networks and community partnerships

High-quality tutors, structured information architecture

Effective use of engaging content and clear design

Affinity Mapping

We utilized affinity mapping to gain insights from our user interviews. This synthesis, based on user interviews, helps us understand how the platform can be improved to meet diverse user expectations. The following patterns frequently occurred across all user groups:

  • Navigation and access issues.

  • Difficulty in finding key info.


  • Need for more teaching resources.

  • Preferred alternative communication methods.


  • Lack of feedback led to demotivation.

  • Inefficient call scheduling structure.

  • Lack of personalized information affected session.


  • Missed updates due to disorganized information.

  • Technical & accessibility Issues impacted experience on devices.

  • Preferred visual representation for each student group.

  • Desire for an updated, engaging website.

  • Preferred personalize communication methods.

  • Navigation needed simplification.

User Feedback

Once we wrapped up the findings from our interviews, we were able to identify the most common issues faced by users such as navigation, visual appeal, and feedback from mentees/tutees. Here are some direct quotes from the users:

“I would love to hear about success stories from students and mentors. After finishing the mentoring, I don't hear back.”


“Potential lack of visual appeal or insufficient resources could be deterrents. The website's importance lies in its ability to support and facilitate the volunteer tutoring process and provide the necessary resources for effective tutoring.”


“There needs to be more information on internship opportunities and affiliated partners. I'd like to see a broader range of options, especially for business majors. It would also be great to have more detailed and accessible information about events and opportunities”


User Persona

Based on our research findings, we developed three user personas: Andrew, Robin, and Sara. These personas highlight the unique needs, goals, pain points, and technological usage of different user groups interacting with City Tutors. However, I’m presenting one persona here to illustrate our findings.


Andrew is a retired professional in his 60’s with a passion for giving back to the community. As a volunteer mentor, he bring decades of experience and wisdom to help guide and inspire the next generation. His goal is to empower students and young professionals, sharing insights and support to help them navigate their careers and life choices. Mentorship is his way of staying connected, contributing meaningfully, and continuing to learn from the bright minds of tomorrow.


Make a positive difference in the lives and careers of his mentees

To enhance his knowledge and skills through the process of teaching others

To enhance his knowledge and skills through the process of teaching others


Have a support system or network of fellow mentors for collaboration and inspiration

Receive feedback on the impact of his mentoring to understand it’s effectiveness

Obtain more information about his mentees to tailor session to their needs


Rarely receives feedback, and hence struggles with not knowing the impact of his mentoring efforts

Unable to find the event section of the website

Faces frequent technical issues, which can hinder him from accomplishing task

Cannot find student names on the portal, making the clock-in clock-out process frustrating


Google Chrome











New York City, NY





“I find joy in helping students learn and grow, but I often wonder about the impact I have made on their journey...”

User Stories

Once we established our user personas, we developed user stories based on them. The most common request across all three personas was for event updates, and here is a user story that reflects that concern.



As a/an


type of user

I want to

easily find the events section


so that

I can stay updated with upcoming events and participate in them


Usability Audit

Our usability testing highlighted critical issues such as difficulty finding information, poor visual design, and inefficient navigation. We rated each item and assigned a score. The usability ratings, assessed on a scale from 1 to 5 (with 1 being 'poor' and 5 'excellent'), revealed significant challenges in the current design and functionality, with an overall average score of 2.2. To address these challenges, we have identified high-priority items requiring immediate attention based on their impact and urgency.







Key Improvement Areas

Clarify Service Details

Distinguish Between Mentor and

Tutor Roles

Enhance Event Discoverability

Improve Navigation and Functionality

Improve Information Architecture








(1 - 5)







Clearly state the age range of students served and whether

the services are free. This will prevent misunderstandings

and align user expectations.

Provide clear definitions and visual cues to distinguish

between mentors and tutors. Consider using headings, icons,

or dedicated sections to clarify these roles.

Implement a dedicated tab for events to improve accessibility

and make it easier for users to find and engage with events.

Address issues related to navigation to ensure users can easily find key sections nd features. Enhance user control to prevent frustration when users get lost.

Revise the site's structure to ensure that key information, such as

events and volunteer opportunities, is easy to find and access.

Accessibility Audit

The accessibility audit of City Tutor’s website identified key barriers that could hinder users with disabilities. Out of 55 WCAG 2.2 AA criteria, 15 passed, 8 failed, 7 were not applicable, and 25 were unchecked. Additionally, 3 out of 4 AAA criteria passed.

Key Findings

  • Some images passed but lack alt text or have redundant descriptions.

  • Content structure failed due to missing H1 tags and inconsistent heading hierarchy.

  • Color use failed as visuals rely solely on color, making it difficult for color-blind users.

  • Contrast ratio failed to meet accessibility standards, especially for text over images.

  • Descriptive links failed due to being vague and needing clearer descriptions.

  • Headings and labels failed as they were inadequate and misleading.

  • Form labels failed as they were missing, affecting screen reader users.

SEO Audit

The following issues were highlighted during our SEO audit and in order to overcome them the following recommendations were made.


  • Weak backlink profile is affecting domain authority and search rankings.

  • 94% dropoff on a landing page due to technical SEO issues.

  • Website speed and mobile performance need optimization.

  • Short-tail keywords are underperforming and lack uniqueness, especially without geolocation.

  • Content quality needs improvement to attract backlinks and engage users.


  • Build backlinks by partnering with schools, influencers, and relevant blogs.

  • Enhance communication on landing and opportunity pages for volunteers and partners.

  • Switch to GA4 for tracking, and conduct user research to improve user experience.

  • Optimize CDN, address hosting limits, reduce TTFB, and improve image and text performance.


Following a comprehensive audit of the City Tutors website, several key areas for improvement were identified to enhance user experience, accessibility, and security. The following next steps outline a clear plan to address these issues, prioritizing actionable recommendations that will streamline navigation, update visual design, refine functional elements, and clarify service details. These improvements aim to create a more engaging and inclusive platform, ensuring that both students and volunteers can easily access and utilize the resources provided. The steps also include measures to secure the website against potential vulnerabilities, maintain compliance with accessibility standards, and ensure continuous site optimization.

Navigation & Information arcitecture

Streamline access to key features by adding a search function and centralized event calendar.

Visual Design and Accessibility

Increase contrast and redesign key areas to enhance readability and accessibility compliance.

Role Differentiation

Use visual cues and dedicated sections to differentiate between mentors and tutors, aiding user decision-making.

Clarify Service Details

Clearly communicate the age range of students served and service costs to align user expectations.

Optimize Performance

 Focus on improving website speed, mobile responsiveness, and SEO, including securing high-quality backlinks.

Enhance Security

Implement protection against automated attacks, remove public access to sensitive endpoints, and improve input validation.

Action Plan

  • Implement Changes: Address the identified issues and recommendations to improve usability, accessibility, and security.

  • Regular Audits: Conduct periodic security and usability audits to ensure compliance and continuous improvement.

  • Monitor and Update: Monitor site performance, user feedback, and security posture, making necessary updates to maintain a secure and user-friendly website.


This simple and intuitive flow aims to guide users smoothly from discovering events to registering for them. Further research and testing are recommended to refine and optimize the user experience.

  • User lands on the landing page.

  • User clicks on "View All Events" prominently displayed on the landing page or user clicks on "Events" from the navigation bar.

  • Users are taken to the Events page, where they can browse through a list of upcoming events.

  • User explores the events and selects one by clicking on the "Register Now" button associated with their chosen event.

  • Users are directed to the event registration page/form, where they can fill in their details and complete the registration process.





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Business Masterclass at City College

Hosted By

Robin Mitchel


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Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Saturday, August 10, 2024

10:00 AM to 11:30 AM EDT

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New York, NY




SAT, AUG 10, 2024 | 11.00 AM

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Business Masterclass at City College

Hosted By

Robin Mitchel


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Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.Sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Saturday, August 10, 2024

10:00 AM to 11:30 AM EDT

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Results & Impact

City Tutors is set to implement the proposed changes by assembling a dedicated team by late September to early October. I was contacted by City Tutors to lead the team and assist with the designs.


The audit of The City Tutors website, led by me and my UX team, uncovered key areas for improvement in usability and user experience. By examining registration processes, site engagement, and information clarity, the team identified important issues and opportunities.

The research revealed the need for clearer service descriptions, better-defined roles, easier event discovery, improved navigation, and a more organized layout. The recommendations aim to address these issues and enhance the overall user experience.

By implementing these changes, the platform will become more functional and user-friendly, meeting both user needs and organizational goals effectively.

Learning & Key Takwaways

Leading my first team on the City Tutor web audit project has been a rewarding experience. I’ve learned the importance of clear communication and meticulous planning in guiding a team through a complex audit process. Ensuring that we delivered actionable insights and practical recommendations was crucial in meeting the client's needs. Seeing their satisfaction with our results underscored the value of our collaborative efforts and the impact of well-executed UX design improvements.